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All events must be reviewed and approved the church's board of directors. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks.
You may be asked to speak directly about your event. This would be in the form of a Zoom meeting.
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Spirit Guided Friends Church
Christian Spiritualists
Spirit Guided Friends Church By-Laws
The original by-laws, written as part of the incorporation of the church in June 1955, were 6 pages. Typed on paper the size of a pocket-size paperback.
Over the years as the church matured in its operations, new sections were added, existing ones expanded.
As society has changed in the last 60 plus years, new sensibilities and concerns have emerged requiring on-going efforts to keep the by-laws current.
As the church moves through the 21st century the by-laws will continue to evolve.