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All events must be reviewed and approved the church's board of directors. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks.
You may be asked to speak directly about your event. This would be in the form of a Zoom meeting.
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Spirit Guided Friends Church
Christian Spiritualists
Role of Speaker
Speakers are volunteers selected 2 to 3 weeks in advance
There is no specific minimum time for the Speaker’s service. They should be kept to a maximum time of 20 to 30 minutes.
The speaker should be prepared to deliver a reading from “scripture”.
Scripture is a broad definition.
It may be from a religious text or from a book or article the speaker likes
It must be of a spiritual nature and be informative and / or uplifting.
The speaker should identify what it is they are reading:
Topic, Title of the Book / Article and the Author.
The reading is followed by the Speaker’s own spiritual input.
It may be related to the reading, but is not required to be so.
Many choose to give a “message from spirit” which is spontaneous.
This is a lecture. For on-going discussions, another time may be scheduled
The speaker should avoid topics that are:
exclusive identifies the only way to believe / behave
divisive sets one group or class of people against another
political nothing about current or past politics
sexual no explicit or suggestive sexual material or comments​