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All events must be reviewed and approved the church's board of directors. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks.
You may be asked to speak directly about your event. This would be in the form of a Zoom meeting.
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Guidlines for the Role of Speaker
Spirit Guided Friends Church
Christian Spiritualists
Role of Reader
The Readers participate in the MESSAGES part of the service
Readers ASK if the person would like a message.
A reader must be invited and not force themselves
“No means no” – for that reader. It may be the person does not feel a particular affinity for you, but is waiting for another reader.
Do not touch the person for whom you are reading – keep a respectful distance.
Deliver messages that are constructive and / or helpful. Even messages about difficult situations can be framed as “challenges”. In those cases, try to also present solutions that you may have received, not your own ideas
The reader should avoid topics that are:
exclusive identifies the only way to believe / behave
divisive sets one group or class of people against another
political nothing about current or past politics
sexual no explicit or suggestive sexual material or comments
frightening no predictions of death, disease, disaster, misfortune
personal Sometimes a reader receives an extremely personal message for
individual In those cases, the reader should request to speak with the person after service; delivering the message privately while in full view of others.